ISPOR Real-World Evidence Summit 2023
May 7, 2023
Venue:Omni Hotel Boston at Seaport
450 Summer Street Boston, MA 02210
Fee(s):This event has a fee
Description:The ISPOR RWE Summit 2023 will take attendees behind the scenes,
offering an in-depth examination of key issues surrounding real-world evidence
(RWE) in regulatory decisions and health technology assessment. The
scientifically rigorous program will be centered around the theme of data
quality and fit-for-purpose use and will delve into studies that showcase the
utilization and effectiveness of RWE in healthcare decision-making.
Specific topics will include developments in data quality frameworks,
validation, determination of fit-for-purpose, study tools and transparency, and
analytic issues affecting decision-making. ...
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Omni Hotel Boston at Seaport